Jophis' Site Reviews
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"Cards tell me your site blows!  Moo!" - Jophis
We here at the TFPublic have decided to review sites. Why? Because we're honest, and we'll give you the fuckin' low-down on a site like nobody's business. And just to show that there's no hard feelings, we'll rip ourselves a brand-new asshole. The rating system is as follows - - -

- asshole - This site sucks. You'd probably enjoy yourself more (guys) if your scrotum grew sore pustules or (girls) if your tits exploded. Refrain from viewing this site!
- nipple - This site isn't that bad. It lags in some areas but makes up for it in others. Go for it. I might be wrong if I said anything nasty.
- clit - This site is the fucking SHIT! Go here regularly to achieve Avatarhood.

If you have a site that you would like TreeFrog Publications to review, send us a link at [email protected].
Let the shit-kicking commence!

TreeFrog Publications

This is a very strange website. Put together and maintained by Jack Munroe, it is a site dedicated to his artwork and thoughts. It is home to the comics, Die, Spanks!; Ada Lee; and Doof!. Although stressing that TreeFrog Publications is an underground comic book publishing company, it is in actuality a one-man show.

The Sweet - Jack's forte is definitely lesbian erotica. Although merely a beginner in this field, Jack's Ada Lee is a very sexy comic. You can look forward to seeing her on the back shelves of comic book stores everywhere. The TFPublic, which is composed of friends and hotties, is more or less Jack's way of saying, "look how many cuties I know". And of course, when Jack gets a good rant worked up, his Basement Page comes alive.

The Sour - The layout is simple - a little TOO simple. Jack doesn't use any flashy animations or stunning web-tricks.  Because of this, his site has a very mid-nineties feel to it.  And although TFP boasts about it's Other Projects from time to time, ninety percent of the attention is focused on Ada Lee.  I say Less Ada, More Ranting!

The Acidic - Although TFP has it's own domain, Jack is still using the address as a webforwarder. This means that he uploads to the SubDomain, Tripod. Because of that, we are treated to MAD annoying ads for bullshit music that none of us would buy, horrible singles chats, and computer upgrades.  Total trash.  Also, someone needs to tell Jack that Ada was hotter as a blonde.